Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Don't be happy, Please!

Disclaimer:This post was written in utter frustration under the heat of my roof burning in 48 Degrees this summer in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra . The arguments hence are pretty heated too.

There are two schools of thought. One is which our archaic religion (or even archaic education system), be any, teaches. Be content with what you have. Be satisfied. Don't be greedy. Money is the root of all evil. So, in places like I am at presently, my hometown, Akola and Kolkata (henceforth Kolkata can be included in any reference to the context at hand), people (and that includes me too) have learnt to be satisfied with whatever little they've or don't have. Even if that teaching extends to the basic neccessaties of life as simple as water and electricity. So, we Indians find new profound reasons to be happy. So earlier municipal water supply gave darshan once in 10 days now once in 8 days, we're happy. Load shedding - 7 hours earlier now 6 hours and again we're happy. It is this inferiorty complex of not expecting oneself to even deserve the basic necessities of life which is more painful to me than anything else.

There is yet another school of thought. Strive for more, be impatient. Earn fast and not for your entire life. Retire early, let your investments work for you not the other way round. It's not bad to be working for money.

Of course, just as the first school of thought is conveniently used to fit people's own needs & perceptions, the second one is used conveniently by most of us too. But given a choice between these two thoughts, why not work towards the latter since anyways nothings happening in the first one at least for the past 4 decades here.

Point is, can we stop being happy over the sorry state of affairs & at least try feeling frustrated at the lack of activity to improve things which have only deteriorated over the years. The amount of time put in pursuing religion & superstitions if dedicated to improving the lives of selves by expecting more & better for oneself will ultimately lead to the same. As put in by one of my wise profs "Conscious mind does affect the matter".

So some people, who've been putting all their brains together demanding a separate Vidarbha state, can you please (since you're motivated enough and have energy too) instead pour in all your energies in making people of Vidarbha intolerant to these efficiencies and tolerant to each other than the other way round at present. Can we please give up the illusionary 'Aal Izz Well' philosophy and can we stop progressively burning our desires under the heap of so-called new religious learnings, superstitions, etc.? Can people in these cities be as professional/aspirational as any other, dread competition and love convenience & comfort as a way of life! Unless we do, there's hardly anything to be expected from the administration who always lags when it comes to fulfilling the masses' need-gap!