Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Un'common' hero!

What I am planning to pen down today may well be one of the most abstract things I've written.Not many may understand what I want to say forget relating to it.But this is something which has been troubling me for a long long time.
Had come across this saying by Plato one day 'Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle'
This got me thinking. This is one of the rare quotes which asks us to stop following idols,stop praising the exceptionals,stop trying to show we appreciate talent across the world.Instead to appreciate the mediocrity of exceptional individuals. And these individuals are exceptionals only because they are common people living everyday life, struggling to make ends meet, just about keeping their parents and children happy, faithful to their work, decently honest, not handicapped or poor so no sympathy is ever bestowed on them.So is it easy to be a common man? Not really. Because nobody considers you a hero.Except your spouse maybe (that too wife who may as well think you are a perfect man) but is it enough to live an unadventurous life.Probably not.
Still how does this common man dude survive.Answer as per me is occasional genuine kindness by known and unknown people around him.for eg.a number of times BEST bus drivers in mumbai have stopped their buses mid way on road to let me cross when I was carrying my one year old son in my arms.
Point I am trying to put across very simply is if the proportion of these people within our own family and even outside increases,who are kind to our everyday struggles in life, whether they can relate to it or not, but are kind, won't we live in better times.
Charity flows from well-to-do to not-so-well-to-do people,but kindness has no direction,no limitation. We all know nobody has an easy life throughout life.And whether we know the battles in someone else's life or not,being kind will go a long way in making this world a little more livable for all of us un'common' heroes.

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